Why Can’t You Make Ganglions Disappear?
Swellings in Feet Can be Confused with Ganglions You see a soft swelling on the foot, and someone tells you it’s a ganglion. Should you hit this with a book, like the Bible? This was often the most accessible book, and everyone had one in the house, so it had nothing...
When did podiatrists first use local anaesthetic?
When Did Podiatrists First Use Local Anaesthetic? The story of when podiatrists first used local anaesthetic was published here at ConsultingFootPain in August 2018. I have updated this to reflect a recent article in the January 2021 edition of The Podiatrist-...
How Long Does Bunion Surgery Last?
A Twenty-Eight Year Follow-Up A Patient Conversation While many published articles cite cases followed from one to five years this is probably insufficient to assess the longevity of correction. While foot surgeons try to select the best procedure and maintain...
An Introduction to Biopsy for Podiatrists
Sampling Skin Lesions on the Foot Biopsy This article will describe the main types of sampling skin and include: Shave Punch Excisional Please note that some of the hyperlinked videos shown are graphic and do not show the foot as specific examples. A biopsy is a...
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