When is surgery indicated for the bunion? When is surgery indicated for the bunion? Is the most common question asked? Surgical referrals should only be made when conservative approaches have failed. This introductory article covers some important indications for...
Mechanics of shins splints and tendon dysfunction What does this article intend to cover? This is a self-help article to assist with the common problem of shin splints and tendon dysfunction. Muscles and their tendons often become overactive. The featured image shows...
Ankle Sprains and Strains In this article, I focus on why ankle sprains or strains occur. First aid requirements and treatment strategies can be found in treating ankle sprains. This is part of a series of ANKLE articles for ConsultingFootpain. Why not read my...
A common foot treatment device What is an orthotic? An orthotic is a common foot treatment. The question what is an orthotic does not just apply to feet. The device is a shaped piece of material that fits in a shoe and may be different lengths. Treatment to help...
Painkillers for foot conditions – Part 1 Painkillers for foot conditions are important. This article is intended for the lay reader. Firstly, you can save time and money by avoiding an unnecessary appointment at the GP. GPs often provide ibuprofen as first-line...
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