Emergency in a Podiatry Setting

Emergency in a Podiatry Setting

Anaphylactic Shock to Local Anaesthetic An emergency in practice is the subject of this article and comes from the original pen of podiatrist Alison Charlton, reporting on a Podiatry Facebook page in December 2021. What do you do when confronted with a podiatry...
Foot Cramp is There a Cause?

Foot Cramp is There a Cause?

Do We Know the Cause? Most readers will be familiar with the painful sensations of cramps. When the muscle settles and eases, a dull ache is often left behind. If the muscle keeps cramping, you might have to cease activity, and you may wake up the next day with the...
What is a foot orthosis?

What is a foot orthosis?

Two categories of foot orthosis  A foot orthosis varies from an insole in modern terminology as it is shaped while the insole is flat. There are two distinct orthotic types on the market —those available from internet sources and chemists and those prescribed by...
Urine Holds the Secrets of Health

Urine Holds the Secrets of Health

An Unsavoury but Important Subject  Little do we know, but your urine holds the secrets of health. Why do you need your blood pressure and weight checked? And what is all this about needing a water sample? Hippocrates, often called the father of Western medicine,...