Published Papers and Articles
(available to download in blue)
A Comparison of Four Disinfecting Techniques for Clinical Instruments in Podiatry. Tollafield DR, De’Ath, M, Prior, D. Podiatry Review 2024,81-4:26-30. Published by the Institute of Podiatrists from an earlier historical paper. Comparison of four disinfecting techniques for clinical instruments in Podiatry. Tollafield, DR, De’ath, M, Prior, D Reflective Podiatric Practice. BPCC Ltd 2018,1(9-2):6-12 Comparison of disinfection techniques.
Podiatry 3.0. History of Podiatry. The Practice. Tollafield DR, Borthwick A. The Podiatrist. 2024. July/August. Accessible for members only.
Reflection of cartilage mapping against hallux valgus management. A Critical Literature Review. Tollafield, DR. Podiatry Review. Winter Issue. (CPD Pull out) 2021 78;1:17-21 (Link to ConsultingFootPain)
Why does treatment fail? The Neuroma Timeline Phenomenon is not new. Tollafield, DR. Review. (CPD Pull out) Issue 2020 77;2:17-21
Diary of an ITU Volunteer. Tollafield DR, Prior TD Podiatry Now. Jul/Aug 2020. 23;7:30-33
Podiatry and the Changing Face of Consent Podiatry. Tollafield D R. Podiatry Review. Issue (CPD pull out) Autumn 2019 pp17-20.
The Changing Face of Consent and Patient Communication. Tollafield D R. Reflective Podiatry Practice. BPCC Ltd, 2018:1(10-1):1-10 Consent and communication RPP 2018
Does Debridement of Plantar Skin Affect the Reliability of a Revised Classification System for Corns and Callus in the Forefoot> A Controlled Clinical Study? Tollafield DR Podiatry Now. 2018.8:2-7 Paper 3 pre: post debridement classification
A Study of Plantar Keratoma Using a Classification Model for Student Observation Skills Compared to an Expert Panel.Tollafield DR Advanced Research on Foot and Ankle 2018. 1:1-9
Clinical Photographic Observations of Plantar Corns and Callus associated with a nominal scale Classification and Inter-Observer Reliability Study in A Student Population. Tollafield DR. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 2017.10,45:2-7
Comparing Datasets with PASCOM-10. Tollafield DR. Podiatry Now. 2017.8:17
The Value of PASCOM-10 for Podiatry a Quarter of a Century on. The Impact that came out of the blue. Tollafield DR. Podiatry Now.2017.1:10-12
An Inter-Observer Reliability Study. Clinical Photography and Direct Clinical Observation of Plantar Corns and Callus associated with a Nominal Scale Classification Model. Tollafield DR. Masters in Theory in Podiatric Surgery Practice. School of Human & Health Sciences. University of Huddersfield. Academic Year. 2015-2016.Thesis MSc Inter-Observer Reliability V2.0F Toll 2016
The Benefits of Reducing Anxiety in a Podiatric Surgical Unit with Midazolam. Tollafield, DR, Duarte, R, Akinwale, N, Ashford, R, Thomasson, S Revista de Ciencas Podologias. 2014.8,2:109-118
Hallux Valgus Correction by Metatarsal Osteotomy. PASCOM-10 Working Party. Maher, A, Tollafield DR. Podiatry Now. 20135:18-20
PASCOM-10 – the Ball is Rolling Now. [Feature article]. Tollafield DR Podiatry Now. 2010.9:38-39
Does Patient Satisfaction with Foot Surgery Change Over Time? The Foot. Taylor,NG, Tollafield DR, Rees S. 2008.18(2):68-74
A Critical Assessment of a New Evaluation Tool for Podiatric Surgical Outcome Analysis. Br. Journal of Podiatry. Rudge G, Tollafield DR. 2003.6(4):109-119
Injectable Percutaneous Polydimethicone in the Treatment of Pedal Keratomas: A Single-Blind Randomized Trial. Tollafield DR, Holdcroft DJ, Singh R, Haque MS. Foot and Ankle Surgery. 2001. 40(5):295-301
An Audit of Lesser Metatarsal Osteotomy by Capital Displacement (Weil) Osteotomy. Tollafield DR. Br.Journal of Podiatry. 2001.4(1)15-19
A Retrospective Analysis of Swanson Silastic Double Stemmed Great Toe Implants with Titanium Grommets following Podiatric Surgery for Arthritic Joint Disease. Ashford RL, Vogiatzoglu, K, Tollafield DR, Cassella JP. The Foot. 2000.10(2):69-74
The Use of Two Injectable Corticosteroid Preparations used in the Management of Foot Problems – a Clinical Audit Report. Tollafield DR, Williams HA. J British Pod. Med. 1996 51(12):171-174 Ref.Pod Pr. 2018 (7)The use of two injectable corticosteroids
Measurement of Ankle Cuff Discomfort in Unsedated Patients Undergoing Day Case Foot Surgery. Tollafield DR, Kilmartin, TK, Holdcroft DJ, Quinn, G. Ambulatory Surgery. 1995.2(6):91-96
Podiatry Education in the UK. Ashford, RL, Tollafield DR, Axe ,D. The Foot. 1995.5(1):1-7
Setting standards for daycare foot surgery. A quinquennial review (Reprint in Podiatry Now 2002)
The Effect of Podiatric Day Care Surgery on the Need for National Health Service Chiropody Treatment. Hood IS, Kilmartin TK, Tollafield DR. The Foot. 1994.4(3):155-158
A Kinematic Model to Determine the Effect of the Oblique Closing Wedge Osteotomy in the Sagittal and Transverse Plane. Tollafield, DR. The Foot. 1993.3(3):117-119
Hallux metatarsal phalangeal joint survey related to post-operative analysis. Tollafield D R, Price M 1985 Chiropodist. Sept:284-88 Hallux Metatarsophalangeal Joint Survey related to Postoperative Surgery Analysis
Reflective Podiatric Practice & Newsfeed Articles
A series of articles and papers have been produced, written and edited by David Tollafield for Busypencilcase Communications Ltd. Many of these papers are now available as open-access
Publications from 20th Century
(Not available as open access 1979-1991)
Tollafield D R 1979 Disinfection in Chiropody, a two-part study. Northamptonshire Area Health Authority. Produced as a report initially and re-published as a paper in Podiatric Reflective Practice in 2018 (Part 1 was published in October 2024 for Podiatry Review).
Tollafield D R 1979 Cryosurgery in the field of nail surgery. West Midlands Study Group Journal
Tollafield D R 1981 Limb Length Discrepancy. West Midlands Study Group Journal
Tollafield D R 1982 Podiatry. Middle East Hospitals Magazine
Tollafield D R 1984a A Podiatric perspective in evaluating limb length discrepancy. Journal of Podiatry Association
Tollafield D R 1984b Basic evaluation of circulatory normality in the foot and leg. Journal of the Podiatry Association
Tollafield 1985a A case of pseudomonas aeruginosa in the toe web of a coal miner. Journal of the Podiatry Association
Tollafield DR, Pratt DJ. The effects of variable posting of orthoses on a normal foot. Biomechanics Orthotic Management of the Foot. The Chiropodist 4:281-4
Tollafield, D R 1988 The Objectives of Joint Examination in the Foot and Lower Limb. The Chiropodist Vol 43 No 8
Tollafield, D R 1989 An Anatomical Study of the First Metatarsophalangeal joint. A Surgical Perspective. British Journal Podiatric Medicine and Surgery. 1,2 pp 8-9
Tollafield, D R 1989 Foot Safety – The Podiatrist’s View. Occupational Safety and Health. November pp 16
Tollafield, D R 1989 Management in Teaching. Journal of the Association of Chiropody Teachers in the UK. June 1989
Tollafield, D R, Pratt D J 1990 The Control of Known Triplanar Forces on the Foot by Forefoot Orthotic Posting. British Journal of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery. Vol 2 No 2. April pp 3-5
Tollafield, D R 1990 A Reusable Transducer System for Measuring Foot Pressures. A Study of Reliability in a Commercial Pressure Pad. Submitted and published through Dept. of Health Sciences at Coventry Polytechnic for BSc (Hons). April
Tollafield, D R, Pratt D J 1990 The Effects of Variable Rearposting of Orthoses on a Normal Foot. The Chiropodist. Vol 45 August pp 154-160
Tollafield, D R 1991 Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy in Day Case Foot Surgery. British Journal of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery. 3,1 pp 2-6
Kilmartin T K, Tollafield D R, Jones L A 1991 Clinical clerking for podiatrists. British Journal of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery 3,3:2-5
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Published by Busypencilcase Communications (Est. 2015)
Updated 6 October 2024
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