The Business of Patient Priorities Private practice and bookings When Facebook blogging podiatrists write they cannot fit patients in, we decided to look at some patient management and flow conundrums. Debbie Delves and David Tollafield discuss funding, retention, NHS...
How should you behave with patients? My eye caught an article 29/9, which allowed my thoughts to drift into that old question. Gifts, jokes, religion, politics and sex. Ethically, professionally, and as a fundamental right to do what we feel is correct are important...
An unusual location for a corn Extensor hallucis longus and the dorsal intractable keratoma This case history applies to all podiatrists, including foot surgeons. It concerns a 73-year-old female who presented with a lesion over her left great toe’s extensor...
Reflecting on a different approach to the MSK patient As with many podiatrists, Nick Knight’s (feature image) initial career journey was not planned. Failing to become a physiotherapist, he turned to a local podiatrist to find out what podiatry’s role was. He...
How to read, select, process and conclude from a published study Anyone can read a research paper but understanding the content requires entirely different skills which require some knowledge of science, the language in which the paper is written and a reasonable...
A Taboo Subject Transferring skills from the most oblique direction Should I write this subject, let alone pick a topic which is SO taboo? There are two things worth pointing out. Sometimes we find a piece of information, in this case, information from Radio 4,...
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