New Bunion Guide for Patients
A Complete Patient Guide to Bunion Problems David R Tollafield & Tim E Kilmartin New for 2025. Replaces the previous edition (2019) BOOK REVIEW TESTIMONIALS HARD BACK (IN COLOUR), eBOOK & PAPERBACK READING A SAMPLE OF THE BOOK Who better to ask to review this...
Busypencilcase Communications
Who and What is Busypencilcase? Busypencilcase Communications (BPCC) emerged in 2015, initially formed as a limited company until 2019, when it became a sole trader publishing blogs, articles, books, and promotions, predominantly for foot health. Run by David R...
My New Author Website
Welcome to my new author website Having tapped the keyboard for professional writing, my passion emerged to write for a broader audience rather than academic papers and formal textbooks when leaving the world of clinics and health. Like the singer with that special...
Book Review Podiatrist on A Mission
Podiatrist on a Mission A book review, Podiatrist on a Mission, from Alan, who writes for ConsultingFootPain. For many years, I have tried to figure out how to write about a profession I came to love dearly and respect. It is a true story but I have placed this under...
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