Ankle Fracture v Ankle Sprains This article covers ankle fracture v ankle sprains and comes from the pen (or keyboard) of my North American colleague Dr Paul Stepanczuk DPM. I first me Paul in Autumn 1981 and we often share notes, get together, or we did before Covid...
Feet and your first aid kit Dressing and first aid kits Feet and your first aid kit should be a must-have item in every home. But is your kit fit for purpose? In an ideal world, everyone should go on a St John’s Ambulance or Red Cross course to learn about first aid...
Giving advice on-line as a podiatrist Giving advice on line as a podiatrist is not something we have ever covered before on this site. In this article the subject is the ‘corn’ and the ‘bunion’ is given as an example. following one...
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