Should a Rook take a Queen? Marmite is something that attracts some but not others and yet we all want golden treacle to cover our efforts; a metaphor for the sweet side of a career, Changing our spots might be difficult if we are a leopard, but modern society allows...
Unravelling a confusing pain in the foot I want to introduce you to the condition called tarsal tunnel syndrome as a cause of heel pain but with the distinctive quality that the pain burns. The second feature that gives the condition away is that feeling of fullness,...
Confusion about heel pain The most common types of heel pain problems arise from general overuse or repetitive heel pad strain but heel pain is complex and if left can resist treatment. In this article, there are four key subjects that you need to know about. The...
Sampling skin lesions on the foot Quick reference article with links As part of the field of podiatry is deciding to expand its skill set ConsultingFootPain wanted to produce an introductory article covering the objective of biopsy in the foot. You can read more about...
The rationale behind the orthosis in foot care today Do we just accept what a foot orthosis does without any fundamental knowledge behind defining a product sold by a wide range of outlets – often without any sense of professional assessment? This information...
An original paper lost to archives This paper is an archived paper from the J.Brit.Pod.Med (1996) 51(12):171-174. Apart from its archive benefit, the date of this peer reviewed publication was 1996. From an academic standpoint this forms a useful base for...
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