A career in Podiatric Medicine
More About a Career in Podiatry NOW AVAILABLE A Career in Podiatric Medicine. A Step in the Right Direction. A career book on podiatry and all its different options in one place. Purchase from AMAZON BOOKS—paperback, colour paperback and hardback £26.00 Thanks...
Emergency in a Podiatry Setting
Anaphylactic Shock to Local Anaesthetic An emergency in practice is the subject of this article and comes from the original pen of podiatrist Alison Charlton, reporting on a Podiatry Facebook page in December 2021. What do you do when confronted with a podiatry...
Which Bones are Most at Risk from Fracture?
Broken Bones and Feet The theme – does it matter which bone you break? The answer, of course, is a simple yes. Unfortunately, not all bones heal the same way or are as prone to damage as others. As a lay article, I hope this updates any previous knowledge, or...
Complex Pain as a Syndrome
Hidden Pain Causes We all know about pain—it hurts. But what if that pain does not subside or pain medication does not help? Then, we consider that we have failed to heal after injury. This article will introduce you to a painful condition known as a pain...
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