Book review Victorian Surgery

Book review Victorian Surgery

The Butchering Art Joseph Lister’s quest to transform the grisly world of Victorian Medicine Lindsey Fitzharris   ISBN 978-0-141-98338-7 Penguin Books 2018   First published in the USA by Scientific American / Farrar, Straus and Giroux   2017 Previously published in...
Selling Foot Health as Podiatry

Selling Foot Health as Podiatry

Selling Foot Health as Podiatry Ralph Graham & Beverley Wright: two reviews in one Ralph Graham In the United Kingdom the Foot Health Market is valued in many millions and yet Podiatry practice accounts for only a tiny percentage of that market. The share by...
Original Reflective Articles

Original Reflective Articles

 Articles Published by Busypencilcase Communications (BPCC)   written by podiatrists for podiatrists and foot health practitioners The following articles were produced for a monthly newsfeed (which ceased in 2022-3), but the material has been retained for...