A Dying Healthcare System
So why has the NHS – a public service, fallen from grace? The UK GP has earned ‘their’ degree. If you are like me, now retired, I need their services as much as anyone else. However, I am grateful that my background is in medicine, my background being a...
Arthritis and the big toe
Understanding what happens to the toe Let’s talk about the reason big toe joints hurt to understand what is happening and why you might need help. Of course, we can always make the discussion complex, but that is not the intention. We just need to understand the...
Cartilage Damage in Hallux Valgus
Does Cartilage Damage Impact Treatment? Cartilage damage in hallux valgus is a common finding. Mapping might offer some predictions regarding long-term outcomes of first toe pathology, or so Thomas Roukis (2005), a U.S. podiatric surgeon, suggests. CFP updates the...
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