The Ageing Foot
Putting Age into Perspective Author and former podiatric surgeon David Tollafield delves into how feet deteriorate over time. He considers the problems in light of his experience as a patient and clinician. Highlighted words in blue provide further links to articles...
Starter Guide for Taping
An Introduction and Practical Guide for Taping for Joint Problems We can use commercially developed braces and soft forms of splinting to support joints and soft tissue (ligaments and muscle) to limit pain, support function and, above all, provide continuing activity...
The Magic of the Pelvic Floor
Nurturing Female Pelvic Health This month’s guest author is Carrie-Anne Martin, a UK-registered physiotherapist who has recognised the importance of post-natal pelvic floor problems. While this site emphasises foot health, musculoskeletal efficiency is altered...
Skin Cracks & Fissures in Feet
Skin Problems When it comes to skin and the foot, we will be familiar with corns and calluses. For many, hard skin relates to pressure and wear and tear and is something, we can manage with a bit of pummicing or reduction with a proprietary skin reducer. Thick skin...
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