Locating foot pain

Locating foot pain

Locating foot pain Locating foot pain is not always straight forward. Unfortunately no single person can explain or offer all the solutions to all foot pain. Remedies become more difficult when there are several pain locations in the foot. Pain can appear on the...
Speaking at Conferences

Speaking at Conferences

Speaking at Conferences Welcome to another reflective presentation, getting to the point fast should be the aim of the speaker. Speaking at conferences as well as presenting in public does not come easy to everyone. It is not possible to convey all that is important...
Rams and Rhinos and Feet

Rams and Rhinos and Feet

Rams, rhinos and feet You might wonder what rams, rhinos and feet have in common. Unlike the elephant tusk which is made of similar material to teeth the rhino horn and that of many animals comes from the same protein found covering skin. While fingernails have the...