Writing a Patient Diary

Writing a patient diary is fun. It keeps you on track and prevents you from forgetting those events. By the second week you might forget all of the problems you will have encountered during the first days. This is free so just download version 4.0 from this website (please see the link at the bottom of this page in blue). You can hand write or type whichever you prefer. Writing a daily note of how your recovery goes is both helpful to you and your clinician. Download this free guide today. The context of the material in this short guide covers various tips.

Why write?

You can so that you can monitor your progress, or look back months or even years later if you need to see another clinician or specialist. Our memories are never that accurate and it is surprising what we forget when it comes to details, names of medicines, investigation and people and places. Writing a patient diaries can be as detailed as you wish or simple. Here is a sample from a real patient who wrote with some brevity. Both these events followed foot surgery and were part of each of my patient’s diaries they kept for the first 6 weeks.

“A good nights sleep woke  7-30am no pain feet just feel heavy with the dressings No pain relief needed today Can stand on my feet now without wincing”

Then there’s the patient who likes more detail

“I have mastered the art of getting in and out of the bath keeping my left leg clear of the water, being nimble and agile has its advantages. No pain on waking but after bathing and dressing and maneuvering downstairs I was starting to feel uncomfortable, after sitting with foot elevated for a while was feeling better.  Have not felt the need for any pain relief so far today. The rest of the day was spent watching Christmas films on TV with my foot elevated”

Publishing your diary

Your diary can be produced as a post or short article and on my Footlocker site. Write to me using the email mypatientjourneys@mail.com if you are interested and we can put something together in your own style. Ensure your record those little details which could help others. The guide is downloadable so please click the link for further guidance.

Is there a best way?
No, do what is comfortable.
Do you have to be a good writer?
No, just put down how you feel in your own words.
Tip: Complete your diary at the same time each day if possible

The Link to my latest diary writing Guide

What’s in it for me?

A patient diary provides great self satisfaction in recording information when later all is forgotten. Imagine having a conversation and suddenly wanting to check out the facts. You can check out if what happened was as accurate as you thought. Our patient diary is representative of our lives as they unfold. The reward is personal satisfaction. My website is a free information resource and I can help with publishing your journey if we agree a style that suits. By writing you are contributing to a wealth of untapped knowledge for everyone. Give back a little. If you want to submit your diary covering your foot health experience please use my dedicated e-mail myfootjourneys@mail.com


Thanks for reading about ‘Writing a Patient Diary’ by David Tollafield

Published by Busypencilcase Reflective Communications Est 2015

First published August 2018, updated April 2021

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