Regular Articles

Are walking poles another fad?

Are walking poles another fad?

As far as health is concerned a walking aid provides stability by increasing support for the body under our feet. Walking aids offer different benefits and so I thought I would compare two types of movement. One is called trekking, the other Nordic walking. The aids or poles used are therefore called trekking poles or Nordic walking poles. For many, it might seem using a pole or a stick appears as a weakness. Serious walkers benefit from such aids.

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Revision surgery and the first toe

Revision surgery and the first toe

In this series we are discussing revision surgery and the first toe, often associated with a painful bunion. The joint surface was  damaged but the left side less than the right. Bunions frequently have loss of the surface of cartilage resulting in stiffness. The surgeon must decide which of the 150+ operations is best suited.

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The Story of the Professional Dancer

The Story of the Professional Dancer

Professional dancing is a tough career. Not only does it require absolute dedication and sacrifice of education and some pleasures, but such extreme focus can lead to a plethora of injuries that can linger into later life. The life span of a dancer at the top of her game is dependent on many factors. Jenny Murray agreed was interviewed for ConsultingFootPain and agreed to share her experience as a professional dancer. She took me back through some her career and we discussed what this meant to her and of course for her health in particular

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Big Toe Pain and Tom’s Story

Big Toe Pain and Tom’s Story

This is Tom’s story and his ongoing stiff toe joint painWhen things don’t go to plan what do you need to know? Throughout, clinician comment will elaborate on the story line. Please read the other cases on ConsultingFootPain as these paint a different picture starting with the Introductory article.

I joined Tom two months after surgery in a UK National Health Service Hospital. Tom was 70 at the time of surgery.

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What you really need to know after bunion surgery?

What you really need to know after bunion surgery?

When a colleague (HFP) sought this question, she was generous and mentioned her surgeon was busy and thought it an oversight. I am both an ex-patient and a foot surgeon, and I’m afraid I have to disagree. We often confuse nice with good, and all clinicians have a blip – but then don’t we all? So we have a patient leaving the hospital after bunion surgery. No post-operative information is apparent, so what does she do? Call a friend! This, in fact, is Facebook and jolly good it is as there is a heap of friendly advice.

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How does surgery impact our lives?

How does surgery impact our lives?

It may seem simple to accept a risk from surgery is low in percentage terms but in this article I explore a new phenomena to may patients and that is actual impact should a perceived low risk actually arise. A number of different complications and problems are discussed and the impact this has should it arise is highlighted with examples and supplementary papers.

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