Clinical Articles

Professional Clinical Resources

Professional Clinical Resources

Professional clinical resources in this day of fast communication and publication is vital for the demands imposed on podiatrists. A number of colleagues in podiatry have authored professional materials referred to as ‘pull outs’ for the former journal-magazine of the Royal College of Podiatry. This article and clinical resources follows the backdrop of independent prescribing. CPD pull outs are used by the Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists offering key updates and so this medium is popular.

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Ultrasound in focus and Podiatry

Ultrasound in focus and Podiatry

Ultrasound in focus within podiatry is the theme this article. All professionals will inevitably extend their ability as part of professional development. This is often known as extending one’s scope or range of skills. Opposition to expansion arises for different reasons. Lack of confidence by a greater majority can impede change. Strong views are held in respect of what is viewed as traditional scope. A need to stick to what we learned at university. There is no doubt that those that offer indemnity cover to practice have their own views as to risk. When it comes to ultrasound there is a storm brewing. It is one that is as old as time.

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Poor data collection exposed

Poor data collection exposed

Podiatric activity occurred in 99 centres, 88% of which provided NHS care.  Community-based services accounted for 51.8% of NHS treatment with the remainder provided by either acute Trusts or NHS Choose and book in the independent sector. When comparing HES data between April – November 2020 a similar trend existed.  Overall day case admissions were down by 42.5%.

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Medicine What’s the Point?

Medicine What’s the Point?

Podiatric surgeon Steve Kriss considers that podiatrists could do more with their medical training and lays down the gauntlet. His premise is that to play an equal role in patient management clinicians must be able to communicate at the same medical level as qualified medical doctors. He describes his own experience here.

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