A Wonderful Career Awaits This message is essentially for podiatrists who are in an excellent position to promote their own specialism. Two new books are available covering a career in podiatry and supporting the work of podiatrists promoting careers in this...
Guest writer Katherine Clarke writes about Opioid misuse in professional athletes for ConsultingFootPain Pain killers, as we call medication to calm pain, are often known as analgesics. While there is value in medication for pain, we now realise that side effects and...
Career Journey Past and Present The latest book from the pen of podiatrist David Tollafield Who are Voices from Podiatric Medicine written for? This book is part of a series of three books written by the author. ‘Voices’ should appeal to anyone who wants a...
Launching A New Career Book Looking back seems like a lot of water under the proverbial bridge. It started as an invitation from two schools to speak to their 8-10-year-olds and 11-15 years olds in April 2019. ‘Inspiring the Future is a charity promoting careers...
Does evidence help to explain hammer toe? – Part 2 This is a follow on article to ‘The Puppet Toe’, published 6th January 2023, which discusses the case of Zandra’s toe problems. Two questions arise. Does the hammer toe come about because of a...
Can we treat our own corns? Part 1 Have you ever used a corn plaster or similar to treat a corn on your foot? For many, a corn is seen as an inconvenience that can be pared down at home or treated with a corn plaster, available from a pharmacist. This article goes...
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