Arthrodesis definition & procedure
A definition of arthrodesis or fusion of the toe is given as applied to the toes
Arthroplasty definition & procedure
Arthroplasty Definition & procedure This surgical method is commonly used for smaller toes of the foot. The technique involves you have some bone removed from the small toe joints. In the first toe an excisional arthroplasty known as a Keller procedure may lead...
A mysterious heel bump
David refers to his own experience of heel pain and that mysterious condition called Haglund’s deformity. he takes you through the cause and as usual directs you to self help and trying to avoid surgery. He suggests some useful sites for the reader.
Blisters and Pathology in the foot
Blisters occur in vigorously active populations and result from frictional forces that mechanically separate epidermal cells at level of the stratum spinosum. Moist skin increases the frictional force, but very dry or very wet skin decreases friction force. Read more by Mike who has made a study of this common problem in this two part article for Reflective Podiatric Practice.
Nails and Medical Health
Nail problems are not just a feature for beautification but can pose an indicator for medical disease and this is true in cases of heart and lung disease, cancer and even kidney disease. This lighter article touches on the conditions that also arise in hands as well as feet.
Accessing the Internet a problem?
Thoughts and attitudes of the medical profession about patient’s accessing the internet for information are probed. A realistic view of the value, the dangers with some anecdotal experience from the author’s own family. This helps answer the question should we or should we not look things up for ourselves?
Diabetes and the foot
It should be remembered that diabetes is a disease where the body has a poor ability managing sugar digestion. Insufficient production of insulin in the pancreas affects many parts of the body at a cellular level.
How can podiatrists help with hand-foot syndromes?
Hand-foot or palmar-plantar syndrome (HFS) and hand-foot skin reactions (HFSR) arise with cancer therapy. Initial symptoms include; swelling, numbness, a sense of tightness/stiffness due to the swelling), and pain in the palms and/or soles.
How can podiatrists help with peripheral neuropathy?
The inability to recognise specific sensations at the end of the body is associated with a condition called peripheral neuropathy. Allied to cancer treatment this makes the condition an unfortunate side effect. A little bit of discussion covers other conditions for those who do not have cancer.
Dry Skin in the Foot Associated with Cancer Treatment
Routine podiatry will help to reduce fissures and callus through debridement (finely skilled scalpel reduction of dead skin) and leave healthy pain free skin. Frequent use of ointments to rehydrate the skin is recommended
Nail Toxicity after Cancer Treatment
Here are three types of conditions that can affect the nail: Onycholysis – separation of the nail. Involution – the nail starts to excessively curl creating a pinching effect of the skin at the sides and nails coupled with a weakened immunity, it allow opportunistic fungal infections to take hold.
Hair of the dog that bit me!
Many of us like to keep animals and there are many benefits until you pick up some fleas that make you itch, or develop a respiratory problem after finding that you are allergic to your pet. But there is another common problem that often goes missing. In this article I hope to offer some background information and provide some self-help guidance.
Plantar Fasciitis and the Art of Stretching
Fasciitis is a common condition for which there is much promise, good and bad, with loads of gimmicks. The concept, cause and self treatment by stretching is an important first step to recovery. Read more…
Tarsal Boss Foot Bump
A condition that causes pressure on top of the foot due to changes around the middle bones also know as the tarsus. Conditions associated with the bump include joint surface damage (arthrosis). Tendon or nerve pain that arise with the hard bone bump.
Foot bump on top of the foot
Information about the condition of foot bump also known as tarsal boss can be confusing and patients want to know what they can do for themselves without a hard sell. Here are a few ideas together with a realistic view about what the internet says about the condition.
High heels challenged – Part 2
Material that exists on the subject of high heels appears to stretch back to the late 20th century and first decade of the 21st. There is no shortage of evidence which is written from every standpoint.
Its worth looking a little more at the science behind journalist reports.
Should High Heels be banned?
While as a former podiatrist I dislike high heel shoes it was time to open this pandora box and take a new approach, one that women might not find so alien. As a foot health journalist, it is important to be objective so I wrote not one but two articles for my website.
Ingrown Toenails
Ingrown Toenails The myths and facts surrounding IngrownToenails could not have been better presented when Mark Wahlberg described his nail on national TV with Ellen DeGeneres. This was obviously that sort of condition that was going to achieve a ‘high yuck...
Your foot after amputation
Michael Le-Rouse considers the benefit of authentic silicone prosthetics after amputation of parts of the foot or indeed most of the foot. This is an important resource for all patients and professionals to appreciate.
Locating foot pain
This is an introduction to pain in the foot highlighting the difficulty behind locating all forms of pain. This is a large subject and the article will point to other resources or allows the reader to search the website for further pain articles.
How does bunion surgery impact our lives?
It may seem simple to accept a risk from surgery is low in percentage terms but in this article I explore a new phenomena to may patients and that is actual impact should a perceived low risk actually arise. A number of different complications and problems are discussed and the impact this has should it arise is highlighted with examples and supplementary papers.
Hallux Valgus known as bunion
In this brief introduction we distinguish between hallux valgus and the term bunion.
Podiatry as an Inspiring Career
The breadth of options following qualification is not only considerable but podiatry is a profession with a job at the end of study. There is something for everyone, mature and young, and it is one profession that does not have a gender issue.
Caught Out with Cancer
Cancer is something which affects any part of the body but being caught out may not always be the doctor’s fault. In this article I am using the abbreviation ‘S.M.ART’ which will be explained at the end. But how could we call be fooled by the story of my father’s sudden death from bowel cancer. Who was to blame?
A naval bone and the Duke of Edinburgh?
Nothing can be more exciting than see someone in pain make a recovery. Rachel wanted to undertake the prestigious Duke of Edinburgh Award that had been going as long as I had been living. The conditions for the awards are activity based and she was aiming for the Silver element. At 17 years of age this lovely student was not doing so well with her foot, and in particular her arch.
Time to challenge the flat foot
Flat foot is not necessarily abnormal and yet unwary people are exposed to sales techniques based on the supposition that the arch should be a specific shape. I have a look more closely at the myths surrounding the flat foot and discuss pronation.
Barefoot Kick off your Shoes
There are 2 riders to bare feet activity permission based on existing problems assessing the ground for safety. As usual the author likes to delve into the internet and see what makes sound advice and what is fake news! This article is more than barefeet though. It looks again at information from the internet and asks HOW VALUABLE or ACCURATE is it?
Cancer and the foot
The fifth commonest skin cancer is the melanoma according to the Marsden Hospital (London) but other forms of cancer exist and the foot is as much a target as other parts of the body. The Mayo Clinic in the US suggests only 1% of cancers affect bone. Peeling information off the internet needs interpretation and in reality the foot is a low target for cancer.
Five conditions in feet caused by cancer treatment
e know that certain chemotherapies can affect the feet from preventing us from carrying out normal routines, especially particularly after having surgery for cancer. Some of these side effects exhibited can be painful. Clinicians supporting patients with cancer aim to minimise such complications from therapy.
Pain and prevention of blisters
The skin, footwear and terrain play major parts in causing blisters in the normal foot without complicated skin problems. Take care of this and you are half way there.
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