Footwear can be tricky
As a child of the late fifties, I had my feet measured with loving care. It was an independent shoe outlet called Pomfret’s. As the years went by the father moved on and left it to his son John, a smart forty-something man with tight but neatly creased trousers, and sharp-pointed slip-on shoes. His haircut might have come from the days of Elvis Presley.
Some Things You Need to Know About Bunion Surgery?
When a colleague (HFP) sought this question, she was generous and mentioned her surgeon was busy and thought it an oversight. I am both an ex-patient and a foot surgeon, and I’m afraid I have to disagree. We often confuse nice with good, and all clinicians have a blip – but then don’t we all? So we have a patient leaving the hospital after bunion surgery. No post-operative information is apparent, so what does she do? Call a friend! This, in fact, is Facebook and jolly good it is as there is a heap of friendly advice.
How Does Bunion Surgery Impact Our Lives?
It may seem simple to accept a risk from surgery is low in percentage terms but in this article I explore a new phenomena to may patients and that is actual impact should a perceived low risk actually arise. A number of different complications and problems are discussed and the impact this has should it arise is highlighted with examples and supplementary papers.
Podiatry as an Inspiring Career
The breadth of options following qualification is not only considerable but podiatry is a profession with a job at the end of study. There is something for everyone, mature and young, and it is one profession that does not have a gender issue.
Caught Out with Cancer
Cancer is something which affects any part of the body but being caught out may not always be the doctor’s fault. In this article I am using the abbreviation ‘S.M.ART’ which will be explained at the end. But how could we call be fooled by the story of my father’s sudden death from bowel cancer. Who was to blame?
Time to challenge the flat foot
Flat foot is not necessarily abnormal and yet unwary people are exposed to sales techniques based on the supposition that the arch should be a specific shape. I have a look more closely at the myths surrounding the flat foot and discuss pronation.
The Irritating Little Toe
In this self-help article, the irritating little toe problem is discussed. Usually the problem will settle within a week of self prescribed care. I have chosen this subject as the condition is slightly different from the usual fungal infection affecting the toe. Before panicking and thinking you are unclean read this article from ConsultingFootPain.
Cancer and the foot
The fifth commonest skin cancer is the melanoma according to the Marsden Hospital (London) but other forms of cancer exist and the foot is as much a target as other parts of the body. The Mayo Clinic in the US suggests only 1% of cancers affect bone. Peeling information off the internet needs interpretation and in reality the foot is a low target for cancer.
Five conditions in feet caused by cancer treatment
e know that certain chemotherapies can affect the feet from preventing us from carrying out normal routines, especially particularly after having surgery for cancer. Some of these side effects exhibited can be painful. Clinicians supporting patients with cancer aim to minimise such complications from therapy.
Factsheets for Patients
ITelling a story is powerful and better expressed than many clinicians can offer. There is a balance between downplaying risks and the impact of having a particular treatment. Today it is the patient who must decide which pathway to travel.