The Clinical Visit
A New Series in Three Parts – Introduction The Physician’s Approach to Your Health Problem Author and former consultant podiatric surgeon will explore the essentials of the clinical examination and its implications for patients. Have you ever wondered what...
Why Can’t You Make Ganglions Disappear?
Swellings in Feet Can be Confused with Ganglions You see a soft swelling on the foot, and someone tells you it’s a ganglion. Should you hit this with a book, like the Bible? This was often the most accessible book, and everyone had one in the house, so it had nothing...
Can an Ingrown Nail Kill?
Ingrown Toenails Myth or Fact? The myths and facts surrounding Ingrowntoenails could not have been better presented when actor Mark Wahlberg described his nail on national TV with Ellen DeGeneres. This was obviously that sort of condition that was going to achieve a...Thick Toenails
What do toenails have in common with Rams and Rhinos? You might wonder what rams, rhinos and feet have in common. Unlike the elephant tusk, which is made of similar material to teeth, the rhino horn, and that of many animals, comes from the same protein found...
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