Skin Cracks & Fissures in Feet

Skin Cracks & Fissures in Feet

Skin Problems When it comes to skin and the foot, we will be familiar with corns and calluses. For many, hard skin relates to pressure and wear and tear and is something, we can manage with a bit of pummicing or reduction with a proprietary skin reducer.  Thick skin...
The Puppet Toe

The Puppet Toe

The Deforming Hammer toe – Part 1 Self-help for toe problems My journalistic head spun when a neighbour (Zandra) appeared on my doorstep asking what to do about her second toe. We needed a bit of research, and looking at the problem from my 43 years as a...
Do corn plasters work on corns?

Do corn plasters work on corns?

Academic assessment of the corn treatments – Part 2 Aim of treatment  The NHS site covers corns and calluses and offers safe but pedestrian advice. The pharmacist does not have training in podiatric medicine and provides a commercial enterprise offering skin...
Hard skin on our feet?

Hard skin on our feet?

Defining the  hard skin problem on feet While we regard hard skin on our feet as unsightly, for most people, hard skin relates to areas that have contact pressure. Areas that do not directly take a bearing, often called loading, may be due to other conditions framed...