The Sesamoid Bone

The Sesamoid Bone

The sesamoid bone  The subject of this article is  a bone. The part of the foot under the big toe is called the sesamoid bone. I will discuss the bone, its function and a condition called sesamoiditis which involves the sesamoid within the joint. At the end I will...
Feet and Safety at home

Feet and Safety at home

‘Feet and safety at home’ Welcome to ‘feet and safety at home’ responding to injury (Part 1) When it comes to accidents we all know safety in the home is important but what we don’t know is how often feet contribute to injury. Australian...

Arthroplasty definition & procedure

Arthroplasty Definition & procedure This surgical method is commonly used for smaller toes of the foot. The technique involves you have some bone removed from the small toe joints.  In the first toe an excisional arthroplasty known as a Keller procedure may lead...