Core Podiatry has Changed
Is core podiatry representative of today’s workforce? Based on research and interviews, David Tollafield looks at updating current concepts in general podiatry practice. Podiatrists can be poor at presenting their role. Some cannot optimise on their potential or...
Cartilage Damage in Hallux Valgus
Does Cartilage Damage Impact Treatment? Cartilage damage in hallux valgus is a common finding. Mapping might offer some predictions regarding long-term outcomes of first toe pathology, or so Thomas Roukis (2005), a U.S. podiatric surgeon, suggests. CFP updates the...
Tarsal Tunnel Pain
Unravelling a Confusing Pain in the Foot I want to introduce you to the condition called tarsal tunnel syndrome, which is a cause of heel pain but with the distinctive quality of the pain burning. The second feature that gives the condition away is that feeling of...
More About Heel Problems
Confusion About Heel Pain The most common types of heel pain problems arise from general overuse or repetitive heel pad strain, but heel pain is complex and, if left, can resist treatment. In this article, there are four key subjects that you need to know about. The...
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