Shingle Bells Don’t Get Caught
Controversy and the Shingles Vaccination Rather than jingles this Christmas, Santa brought me shingles. The real question that arises is when you should have an inoculation for shingles. This personal story offers a moral tale—don’t get caught out—but is there a...
Podiatry Business From Scratch
Moving from NHS to an Independent Podiatry Business Whether you are starting your business following graduation or transitioning within the podiatry sector, there are several red flags to watch for. We should refer to them as green flags to counter any notion that...
The Foot Health Practitioner
Is the Foot Health Practitioner Really a Contentious Issue? This article focuses on the Foot Health Practitioner and considers some of the arguments for their value in foot health care. For many years, podiatrists have competed with practitioners who have undergone...
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