Arthroplasty Definition & procedure

This surgical method is commonly used for smaller toes of the foot. The technique involves you have some bone removed from the small toe joints. 

In the first toe an excisional arthroplasty known as a Keller procedure may lead to some of the bone being removed. The effect can leave the first toe shorter but more flexible where before it may have been stiff. An artificial spacer can be incorporated into the space once where the bone had been removed. The spacer can help to retain the toes’ length.

Contrary to many beliefs arthro- (joint) plasty (to reform) does not always lead to more movement. In small toes an arthroplasty usually causes stiffening after surgery.

The purpose of this type of surgery is to restore a toe after resolving a hammer toe or mallet toe deformity. Pressure from corns can be relieved.

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Published by Busypencilcase Reflective Communications. Est. 2015