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How can podiatrists help with peripheral neuropathy?
The inability to recognise specific sensations at the end of the body is associated with a condition called peripheral neuropathy. Allied to cancer treatment this makes the condition an unfortunate side effect. A little bit of discussion covers other conditions for those who do not have cancer.
Hair of the dog that bit me!
Many of us like to keep animals and there are many benefits until you pick up some fleas that make you itch, or develop a respiratory problem after finding that you are allergic to your pet. But there is another common problem that often goes missing. In this article I hope to offer some background information and provide some self-help guidance.
Plantar Fasciitis and the Art of Stretching
Fasciitis is a common condition for which there is much promise, good and bad, with loads of gimmicks. The concept, cause and self treatment by stretching is an important first step to recovery. Read more…
Tarsal Boss Foot Bump
A condition that causes pressure on top of the foot due to changes around the middle bones also know as the tarsus. Conditions associated with the bump include joint surface damage (arthrosis). Tendon or nerve pain that arise with the hard bone bump.
High heels challenged – Part 2
Material that exists on the subject of high heels appears to stretch back to the late 20th century and first decade of the 21st. There is no shortage of evidence which is written from every standpoint.
Its worth looking a little more at the science behind journalist reports.
Should High Heels be banned?
While as a former podiatrist I dislike high heel shoes it was time to open this pandora box and take a new approach, one that women might not find so alien. As a foot health journalist, it is important to be objective so I wrote not one but two articles for my website.
Your foot after amputation
Michael Le-Rouse considers the benefit of authentic silicone prosthetics after amputation of parts of the foot or indeed most of the foot. This is an important resource for all patients and professionals to appreciate.
Locating foot pain
This is an introduction to pain in the foot highlighting the difficulty behind locating all forms of pain. This is a large subject and the article will point to other resources or allows the reader to search the website for further pain articles.
Rams and Rhinos and Feet
You might wonder what rams, rhinos and feet have in common. Unlike the elephant tusk which is made of similar material to teeth the rhino horn and that of many animals comes from the same protein found covering skin. While fingernails have the power of a weapon, toenails are just tucked away and unnoticed. Because nails are hidden away until a problem arises, they are ignored. Nails exposed in sandals where the climate warmer, nails and toes are more visible. But for us, in the UK, the majority of feet are covered up. This article is the subject of thick nails associated with medical problems. Yuck, you might say…
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