Ankle Sprains and Strains
Do you know why you sprain you ankle? Is this something we should worry about. Understanding the mechanism for a sprain can help. What is a strain, and is it the same as a sprain. In the first of this ankle series I hope to enlighten the reader so do check out the series written for the discerning lay reader or indeed the professional.
The Foot Orthosis
This brief article covers orthotics or orthoses providing tips about what you might expect when this form of treatment for your foot is recommended. Can you buy your own for example and what is a prescription? Who should you avoid when being sold an orthosis. Read this article by podiatrist and a former orthotic director without adverts and sales pitch.
Painkillers for Foot Conditions
Using painkillers for foot conditions has a value in many cases for limited periods. This first article is intended to help support the reader’s knowledge about the basic four medicines known as painkillers.
Bruised Heel Pain
Take bruised heel. Relatively unknown if not poorly described. The condition is mixed up with other forms of heel pain such as plantar fasciitis. David, a podiatrist and keen user of the gym writes about his own heel pain and how to deal with it.
Falls the Elderly and What We All Need to Know
It is known that approximately one in three people over the age of 65 living in the community will fall each year. This figure approaches one in two by the age of 80, and fall rates are even higher for residents of nursing homes and those in institutions.
Body Fat and Segmental Analysis
The idea of having knowledge about how your body is made up of muscle and fat seems appealing. It is easy to pretend I am young, fit and slinky when my bio data suggests I cannot abuse my body. In this article I look at some equipment for analysing our fat and segmental values and explain what these all are about. How the reliable the equipment can be. Taking measurement at face value can lead to misconceptions and I am in the health market and understand much of of how our body needs to work.
Am I Fit to Use the Gym?
Being fit to use the gym and all that equipment might be desirable but you might prefer to ask your doctor. In this article I have outlined some of the concerns that doctors might focus on to guide you. We all want to keep fit, not least after a pandemic like covid-19. But it is important to be alive to problems such as blood pressure, obesity, poor kidney function and the effects of dehydration.
Common forms of foot arthritis
In this short article I look at the most common of the arthritic type conditions which are medically based and not related to injury. Arthritis due to rheumatoid disease, gout and psoriasis, starting with osteoarthritis.
The Sesamoid Bone
The sesamoid bone or bones make up the 27th and 28th foot bone and are often forgotten. When they work well we forget they exist but they feature frequently in painful stiff toes and are often the reason why bunion surgery does not work always.
The Heel Bump
David refers to his own experience of heel pain and that mysterious condition called Haglund’s deformity. he takes you through the cause and as usual directs you to self help and trying to avoid surgery. He suggests some useful sites for the reader.