FAQs or Frequently asked questions


Welcome to my website. I am always looking for new ways to help readers.  Whether patients or practising foot health management it does not matter I like to share information openly. Please look through these FAQ’s. Hopefully, there will be an answer to most questions. 


If you cannot find the answer to your question?

If you cannot find the answer to your question??

Thanks for looking at my website platform

If the information cannot be found under frequently asked questions (FAQ) please write to me using the box at the bottom of this page. With over 200 articles on my site, the search facility on the top right of the home page is very helpful to find more. Just type in your subject of interest. If it isn’t there then let me know and I will see what I can do.

Contact e-mail addresses:


Can I make an appointment to see you to discuss a foot problem?

Can I make an appointment to see you?

As I am no longer in clinical practice so do not have a base to work from. However, I am still registered (HCPC) and a member and Fellow of the Royal College of Podiatry.

The field of podiatry has many subspecialties and career prospects in both the NHS and Independent sector. A number of podiatrists work for branded groups. Podiatrists often practice in both sectors, mixing their working hours. All podiatrists must now be registered. Note Foot Health Practitioners are not registered under the HCPC and carry out the type of care which limits the wider scope of foot health practice. Always check your podiatrist is registered as patients are protected from poor practice and illegitimate activity.

  • General practice for foot health
  • Diabetic and higher risk care (NHS predominantly)
  • Arthritic care
  • Domiciliary care (home and retirement nursing homes)
  • Sports podiatry
  • Special interest in orthotic care and muscle-skeletal podiatry
  • Forensic podiatry
  • Podiatric surgery
  • Reflexology and homeopathic podiatry
  • Podiatric Research and education

Should you wish to ask some questions about your health, that is different and I may be able to help. You can write to me at myfootjourneys@mail.com

Search information on my website or material from my bookstore

Scroll to the next question for further information.

Updated 13/08/21

Can I ask questions or seek your advice without seeing you?

Can I ask questions or seek your advice without seeing you?

Yes, I would be happy to try and help you and have done so with others since ceasing podiatric practice. Please set out your question using the response box on this website at the end of the article, or you can write to me at a special e-mail address called myfootjourneys@mail.com


  • I will respond as soon as I can but my primary purpose would be to share any discussion about treatment or past experience you may have had to help the public with articles, comments and testimonials.
  • In this way we can both benefit. There is no fee involved.
  • Your name cannot be used without your express permission so any material I share will be anonymised or a false name used.
  • Opinions about the quality of previous treatment cannot be provided and I do not give advice on medico-legal aspects of podiatry or orthopaedics.

Please sign-up to Footlocker to receive  information on foot health at consultingfootpain.co.uk mail drops are usually sent out about 4 times a year

Updated 12/06/20

I am a student of podiatry in the UK. Can I contact you for advice?

I am a student of podiatry in the UK. Can I contact you for advice?

 It is always a pleasure to hear from students and I have a number from different universities who have signed up to receive my free articles. Signing up is easy from the home page 

Do you know how podiatry started? Read my latest book, Podiatrist on a Mission. The Genesis of a New Profession released February 2021


It would be a delight to provide support where possible but do bear in mind as a communication company I do not offer writing services for coursework. Podiatry is a great career and any help you wish I will try to provide especially as a newly qualified member of the profession. Communication and promotion are important elements of practice and many struggles to find the right balance, especially when setting out as an independent podiatrist. I will send you some back articles you may find helpful when you sign-up. You can use university e-mails but be careful replies may go into spam. 

Use the box on this website or write to me at busypencilcasecfp@gmail.com

Busypencilcase Reflective Communications believes in promoting the career of Podiatry

 Updated 13/8/21

How can I publish an article on your website?

How can I publish an article on your website?


Reflective Podiatric Practice is a regular news article produced by Busypencilcase Reflective Communications for podiatrists and free to podiatry practitioners


  • Learn to write with support from BPCC
  • Get an article into Footlocker or Clinician Portal
  • Promote your profession
  • Build your CPD publication profile 
  • Case histories, short articles of interest, and clinical studies and comment all welcome
  • Summaries from formal publications
  • Marked work from college courses


While most journals require formal application on-line you only have to send an attached file to one person. The formality of the publication does not have to be in heavy academic style but this does not detract from publishing those with enhanced quality. Formal research should be submitted to JFAR, Podiatry Now, The Foot, and other journals for wider recognition, but once accepted you can send in an abstract or summary or even material related to the article. Establish your academic base and promote yourself through subsidiary publications.

Reflective Podiatric Practice

I publish regularly and feature Reflective Podiatric Practice. The aim is to encourage writing skills and promote podiatry to the public and other professions. Reflective Podiatric Practice is available to all podiatrists and foot health practitioners.

Sign-up and submit to busypencilcasecfp@gmail.com

Articles and posts

Why not write a blog styled post for Footlocker on your experience and even promote your practice. Now that’s a good deal! Alternatively, write a post /article for Clinician Portal. Articles and posts are published on Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram so the coverage is wider.

How to

Just send in a word document as a plain page without columns. Anything from 500 – 2500 words can be published in a single article.  Include references where you can and separate pictures as jpeg files together with a quality head shot. Circulation grows regularly and you can use you publication of continuous practice development evidence. Circulation is world wide covering over 7000 readers.

Examples of referencing

  1. Greenfield J, Rea, J, Ilfield FW. Morton’s Interdigital neuroma: indications for treatment by local injections versus surgery. Clin Orthop Rel Res. pp142-144, 1984
  2. Read, TF, Motto SG Tendo achilles pain: steroid and outcome. Br. J Sp Med 26,1 pp15-17, 1992
  3. Mahler, F, Fritsky, D. Partial and complete ruptures of the achilles tendon and local corticosteroid injections. Br. J Sp Med 26,1 pp7-13, 1992
  4. Ohira T, Isikawa K, Kumato, S. Hydroxyapatite deposition in articular cartilage by intraarticular injections of methylprednisolone. J Bone & Joint Surg. 68-A, 4:509-510. 1986
  5. Shoemaker RS, Bertone AL, Martin GS, McIlwraith, CW, Roberts, ED, Pechman, R, Kearney MT. Effects of intraarticular administration of methylprednisolone acetate on normal articular cartilage and on healing of experimentally induced osteochondral defects in horses. Am. J. Vet. Res. 53,8, pp1446-1453, 1992

Submit an article to ConsultingFootPain published by Busypencilcase Reflective Communications 


Last updated 13/8/21

Who is Busypencilcase Reflective Communications?

Busypencilcase Reflective Communications 

Busypencilcase Reflective Communications provides support to ConsultingFootPain as a non-fictional branch together with a fictional side for short stories and novels. Regular articles are published each month. You can follow me on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.



How did Busypencilcase come about?

In 2012 I wrote a children’s book called The Story of Crystal Rouge about a ‘biro’ pen which was originally published as an e-book, soft and hardcover. Designed originally from our first granddaughter it was finished seven years later, rather too late for her teenage years. Fortunately, I had another seven-year-old granddaughter by the time I completed the book. We worked on the final copy together which she took to her local primary school. The story was developed from my old grey pencil case which had a host of pens, pencils and featured as the pencil case in the book. It was just a question of considering the uniqueness of the pencil case in the development of my company’s name.  Communications can just as easily arise from the basic products of writing as it can from a computer so that was it and me… …oh yes, the author Rob C Blyth. Well, Rob is my middle name and Blyth my family name on our maternal side. Grandad fought in the First World War between 1916-18 and so it seemed fitting as a tribute to include both family names in my writing especially as this happened during the Great War Centenary. The book shown below is only available now from Busypencilcase Reflective Communications and is limited in stock and only in paperback since September 2020. Please write to busypencilcase_rcb@yahoo.com to request a copy. 



More books by David R Tollafield are in the pipeline so watch out for more information or go to ‘bookstore’ found at the top of the homepage


Thanks for reading about me

Updated 23/01/21