Regular Articles

Locating foot pain

Locating foot pain

This is an introduction to pain in the foot highlighting the difficulty behind locating all forms of pain. This is a large subject and the article will point to other resources or allows the reader to search the website for further pain articles.

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Rams and Rhinos and Feet

Rams and Rhinos and Feet

You might wonder what rams, rhinos and feet have in common. Unlike the elephant tusk which is made of similar material to teeth the rhino horn and that of many animals comes from the same protein found covering skin. While fingernails have the power of a weapon, toenails are just tucked away and unnoticed. Because nails are hidden away until a problem arises, they are ignored. Nails exposed in sandals where the climate warmer, nails and toes are more visible. But for us, in the UK, the majority of feet are covered up. This article is the subject of thick nails associated with medical problems. Yuck, you might say…

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