How can podiatrists help with hand-foot syndromes?
Hand-foot or palmar-plantar syndrome (HFS) and hand-foot skin reactions (HFSR) arise with cancer therapy. Initial symptoms include; swelling, numbness, a sense of tightness/stiffness due to the swelling), and pain in the palms and/or soles.
How can podiatrists help with peripheral neuropathy?
The inability to recognise specific sensations at the end of the body is associated with a condition called peripheral neuropathy. Allied to cancer treatment this makes the condition an unfortunate side effect. A little bit of discussion covers other conditions for those who do not have cancer.
Dry Skin in the Foot Associated with Cancer Treatment
Routine podiatry will help to reduce fissures and callus through debridement (finely skilled scalpel reduction of dead skin) and leave healthy pain free skin. Frequent use of ointments to rehydrate the skin is recommended
Nail Toxicity after Cancer Treatment
Here are three types of conditions that can affect the nail: Onycholysis – separation of the nail. Involution – the nail starts to excessively curl creating a pinching effect of the skin at the sides and nails coupled with a weakened immunity, it allow opportunistic fungal infections to take hold.
Plantar Fasciitis and the Art of Stretching
Fasciitis is a common condition for which there is much promise, good and bad, with loads of gimmicks. The concept, cause and self treatment by stretching is an important first step to recovery. Read more…
Tarsal Boss Foot Bump
A condition that causes pressure on top of the foot due to changes around the middle bones also know as the tarsus. Conditions associated with the bump include joint surface damage (arthrosis). Tendon or nerve pain that arise with the hard bone bump.
Foot bump on top of the foot
Information about the condition of foot bump also known as tarsal boss can be confusing and patients want to know what they can do for themselves without a hard sell. Here are a few ideas together with a realistic view about what the internet says about the condition.
Journal Publications for David Tollafield
During the course of my career I have acted as a journal reviewer, editor and author. Many papers have been written with co-authors. A list of my formal list published is included