Factsheets and Advice
Living With Someone Who Has Hearing Loss
The national institute provides a guide, but both parties have to agree with all guides. It might be worth looking at the recommendations and discussing the real outcome. The recommendations are sensible but may not always be ideal. We must work to improve communication; there is only one solution—patience!
Starter Guide for Taping
We can use commercially developed braces and soft forms of splinting to support joints and soft tissue (ligaments and muscle) to limit pain, support function and, above all, provide continuing activity whilst limiting damage. Tapes adhered to the skin have been promoted as an adjective for achieving the same aim. In this article, I will bring some ideas into focus about taping (strapping). While you can undertake these at home, placement and technique are best applied with someone to aid your technique. Focusing on the shoulder, the knee and the ankle provides an idea of how assistance can be used and I have delved into my own experience as a patient.
Sun and Skin Warnings
David explains a solar damage on the face, his consultation and treatment during the Covid experience as part of a case history for the readership at consultingfootpain.co.uk
Winter is coming again
Welcome to my article ‘Winter is coming!’ where I will cover a bit about options to protect feet from the cold without the usual hard sell. Please click on my self-help advice sheet. An article on Trench Foot reminds us that this condition is not one relegated to the past.
Old shoe new shoe
Let’s look at the everyday shoe. When should our old shoes be replaced for new shoes? If you are like me shoes last a long time, but then we all have our favourites which might wear down faster. My blue trainers looked sad as the outer coat (the Uppers) were speckled with garden shed paint having been replaced as my best friend. Conversion to a workhorse is economically sound as you can keep shoes going for longer even if they are past their best. When should you chuck them out? How can you keep them lasting longer? This is the subject of my article this month.
The Irritating Little Toe
In this self-help article, the irritating little toe problem is discussed. Usually the problem will settle within a week of self prescribed care. I have chosen this subject as the condition is slightly different from the usual fungal infection affecting the toe. Before panicking and thinking you are unclean read this article from ConsultingFootPain.
Factsheets for Patients
ITelling a story is powerful and better expressed than many clinicians can offer. There is a balance between downplaying risks and the impact of having a particular treatment. Today it is the patient who must decide which pathway to travel.
What should you ask from a fact sheet?
If you have read my short article Getting the best from clinical information here is the follow-up article offering a little more meat. What should you ask from a fact sheet? The answer must be equally simple. Factsheets should be well written, have few spelling mistakes and be easy to read. They should be laid out well and ideally not photocopied to death. Well, presented factsheets show the clinician cares as much about you as the information that is offered.
Bunion Problems and Self-Help
At Consltingfootpain helping yourself to start with intelligently is my aim but with the understanding that there is always professional support as well. Knowledge makes your ability more able to understand and manage a condition such as a bunion.
Feet and your first aid kit
When asked about what to have in a first aid kit, I wrote this article for a reader to help support her after a number of incidents in the kitchen. First aid and second aid are considered…