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How should we write on Social Media

How should we write on Social Media

I’m not sure about you but as time passes what we write and share on social media becomes ever more sensitive. Of course this has been partly associated with what has happened over comments about parts of society. This is a case history about a patient, her partner and a podiatrist writing about her experience. But then another podiatrist takes a different view. So what is right and what is wrong when it comes to writing on Facebook and other media?

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Racial Inequalities in Health

Racial Inequalities in Health

The theme of racial attitudes is discussed with Dr Jill Halstead-Rastrick for Podiatric Reflective Practice after an interview by David Tollafield for Busypencilcase Reflective Communications. The subject is a broad area but speaks volumes of one woman’s passion in a field of medicine which is finally demanding to speak out on more that just feet alone.

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Covid-19 the skin and toes

Covid-19 the skin and toes

The first toe rashes were reported in Italy and Spain where we know the numbers of infected Covid-19 cases rose fast overwhelming their health services. Skin changes are now being debated in many countries by organisations such as the American Podiatric Medical Association and College of Podiatry (London). Ms Debbie Delves reports a suspected case from her South London practice

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