About Rob C Blyth

R.C.Blyth is a pseudonym for David R. Tollafield, writing as a fictional author. He started using his grandfather’s name with his middle name in honour of his First World War actions from 1916-18. 

Originally from a clinical medical background, David retired to become a full-time author in 2018 and has published over a dozen books.

He has a fictional website, RCBlyth.com, and a formal academic site, davidtollafieldauthor.com, where he writes for consultingfootpain.co.uk.


Early Years

I started writing at seven, and that was my best memory. I remember because I sat at Mrs Hardwick’s desk in classroom three, which happened to be a small room converted into a farmhouse filled with old-school-style desks and wooden plank floors. The school timetabled breaks provided a chance to scribble juvenile verbiage into an exercise book while my classmates played and screeched. How I managed to concentrate, I hadn’t a clue, but concentrate I did and locked my mind away. These days, it’s not so easy as there are too many distractions – often WhatsApp pinging and Instagram!

I barely recall what was written in the exercise book. I do remember wanting to write an edifying account called From London to Paris and Back Again. At seven, I hadn’t been out of the UK, although I travelled once a year at Christmas with my father to London. Then there was an essay penned as The Day in the Life of a Sixpence, which was a great hit at home, I might add. Mum loved it and thought I had skills beyond my tender age.

 My English teacher was a decent enough chap. He was a Reverend and had a habit of spitting as he spoke. We learned to dodge his salivary jets, often amused at how his face seemed to turn red as he was rather excitable, often at our naughty boy antics in class.  The Reverend put up with a good deal of cheek from the boys. He must have taught me something. Sadly, the Reverend took his own life. Doubtless, his had become complicated and challenging. The local railway line became the method to do away with himself. As an adult, I wrote a short story about someone who did just that or attempted to, but I won’t dwell on suicide as it is rather a depressing subject. You can read about the fictional story of a woman who attempted suicide in Fatal Contracts in 2024.

The Book that Started Busypencillcase Communications

One of the first books I penned as fiction for our grandaughter was The Story of Crystal Rouge— the daily journey of a red pen that passed from owner to owner. While owned by humans, Crystal finds a number of characters she interacts with, some pleasant, others not so. 


Being red makes her stand out, and the black and blue ink pens put her down as having less value. The narrative starts to emerge of colour prejudice and was intended to teach people from 6 to 8 years of age the value of treating each other as having equal value.

As life is but a cycle and short, the red pen runs out of ink and is taken by a bird attracted to the shape and remaining colour. All seems lost until a kindly lady finds Crystal and rescues her, and she is reunited with similar pens that no longer have their use as originally intended. 

A short, illustrated, glossy print in colour and aimed at children aged 6-8. Parents can read it, or those with basic reading skills can.

This book, illustrated in colour, was published under Busypencilcase Communications in 2014 and is currently only available in paperback from me directly. It is beautifully printed and priced at £6.50 + PP for the UK and N. Ireland only. See the address below if you would like to purchase an original signed copy.




Exploring genres is fun, and Fatal Contracts allowed some latitude with historical material blended with a thriller pace, as well as some mystical stories set in locations with unexplained happenings. When my wife announced an interest in demons and dragons, I decided to write a short (Chapbook) story for a Christmas present and make her a wand-like healing rod—a caduceus. The Rod of Blackthorn was a bit of a departure, allowing me to dabble in fantasy. 

Get a FREE COPY-The Rod of Blackthorn

The Rod of Blackthorn is available for FREE DOWNLOAD HERE and for £ 0.77 as a Kindle or tablet book on Amazon.

Why not read the story and provide your own ideas? As an author I’m always keen on interactional feedback.

You can stay in touch with Rob on Twitter-X @blyth_rc or write to him at rcblythauthor@gmail.com

The Fictional Author is Rob.C.Blyth. Published by Busypencilcase Communications