The Ageing Foot

The Ageing Foot

Putting Age into Perspective Author and former podiatric surgeon David Tollafield delves into how feet deteriorate over time. He considers the problems in light of his experience as a patient and clinician.  Highlighted words in blue provide further links to articles...
What is a foot orthosis?

What is a foot orthosis?

Two categories of foot orthosis  A foot orthosis varies from an insole in modern terminology as it is shaped while the insole is flat. There are two distinct orthotic types on the market —those available from internet sources and chemists and those prescribed by...
Selling Foot Health as Podiatry

Selling Foot Health as Podiatry

Selling Foot Health as Podiatry Ralph Graham & Beverley Wright: two reviews in one Ralph Graham In the United Kingdom the Foot Health Market is valued in many millions and yet Podiatry practice accounts for only a tiny percentage of that market. The share by...
Original Reflective Articles

Original Reflective Articles

 Articles Published by Busypencilcase Communications (BPCC)   written by podiatrists for podiatrists and foot health practitioners The following articles were produced for a monthly newsfeed (which ceased in 2022-3), but the material has been retained for...