Ankle Fracture or Sprain
A Case from Clinical Practice This article covers ankle fractures and ankle sprains and comes from the pen (or keyboard) of my North American colleague, Dr Paul Stepanczuk, DPM. I first met Paul in the Autumn of 1981, and we often shared notes and got together, or we...
The Third Ankle Joint
The Third Ankle joint Understanding that there is a third ankle joint, let alone a second ankle joint, might seem bizarre. If you have been following my articles, the common denominator is the steering wheel or bone called the TALUS. This unique bone connects the foot...
Treating Simple Ankle Sprains
Treating Simple Ankle Sprains Treating simple ankle sprains should be within everyone’s reach. Understanding the mechanics behind the problem is helpful. You can read my previous article on why we sprain our ankles. In this article, I will advise you on the...
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